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Computer Science Teachers Association Member

In the Tech Center

Ipad Grade 5Grade 5 Technology Class

In addition to further developing previously acquired skills, students spend time on advanced features of word processing and web 2.0 applications. A great deal of time is directed to preparing for a field trip to the Buehler Space and Science Center. Students participate in several activities designed to prepare them to pay homage and simulate Sratch - Buehler Space and Science Centercontinuing the mission of the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger astronauts who lost their lives when the shuttle exploded.

Current Project

5th grade students have been studying appropriate online behaviors. We will discus using social media via mobile devices, gaming software, and the Internet to access and share information globally. We will additionally discussed the importance of thinking before posting information, sharing information or clicking on links and pop ups when using social media or simply the World Wide Web. This phase of "Appropriate Online Behavior" will possibly lead to a major project later on in the year.

Previous Assignments

File Organization

The 5th grade students learned about identifying, creating, and organizing files on computer systems. Each student their own folder in the Technology Center network drive which is accessible from any computer on the school network. They also created a flowchart identifying the file path to their new folder.

Associated worksheets can be download below'

Material Downloads

Topic Assignment File
Classroom Rules and Procedures The first week of school, students reviewed class rules and procedures. They were to complete a worksheet to demonstrate their understanding of Technology Class rules and procedures Class Policies and Procedures
File Organization Definitions Students are to define the terms assciated with file organization File Organization Definitions
File Organization Flowchart Students are to identify and explain parts of the Ribbon by completing the downloadable worksheet. A video tutorial is included for students who need assistance. File Organization Flowchart
Appropriate Online Behavior Videos Students viewed these videos prior to completing the worksheets

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Appropriate Online Behavior Definitions Students were to define the following cyber safety and security terms by matching the defintions with the term. Students may have had to conduct online searches to find the correct meaning of the terms Appropriate Online Behavior Definitions
Appropriate Online Behavior Analysis and Evaluation Students were to respond to the questions on the worksheet to demonstrate their understanding of Appropriate Online Behavior Appropriate Online Behavior