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Computer Science Teachers Association Member

In the Tech Center

Ipad Grade 1Current Project

Students are currently using Microsoft Word and the World Wide Web to complete the following tasks.

  • Create a simple word processing document
  • Convert text to Word Art
  • Copy and paste images from the Internet


ABC BlocksAbout Grade 1 Technology Class

Students in grade 1 technology meet during the 1st two marking periods.  During this time period, our focus is to reacclimate  the students with using the computer. Recognizing  that not all students use computers regularly at home or school, it's important for students to become familiar with simple tasks such as opening and closing applications, navigating through windows and browsers, using a mouse, touch pad, and even the keyboard. Some of our assignments include creating a simple word processing document where students will input text as well as copy and paste images from the Internet. We also create a short Power Point slide show of animals. Along with Microsoft Word and Power Point, students use a variety of online programs, many of which are located on the Kids page, in order to elevate their educational technology skills.

All classes engage in age level appropriate lessons about the social aspects of technology including, Internet safety, security,  netiquette,  and retrieving, filtering, and using information and media from the web.